Saturday, January 15, 2011

Second Draft

Well here we go it’s been awhile since my first blog. Not because I don’t have anything to write about cause I do. But because I have been lazy and not sure which subject to write about really. But last night while I was texting a friend of mine it came to me. I’m going to talk about writing second draft of a screen play and why it’s taken me so long to do mine.

For those of you who don’t know which I will assume is a lot of you, I have been writing a spec script that I’ve had on my mind for some years. And in October I started to write it since I was finally in the write head space to do it. So I sat down at my computer and the script I first saw as dick and fart joke movie turned into a Drama/Romance movie, funny how growing up changes the way you write. I wrote everyday for a little over a month and at the end of November I was done the first draft. At this time I sent the script off to a good friend of mine Christine Conradt ( to read and let me know where I needed to improve. A few weeks later I got the phone call and we went through the script page by page, and luckily I didn’t need to do a page one rewrite just some minor changes needed to be made. So I sat down notes in hand and started my second draft.

Well it is now the middle of January and I am only twenty pages into my second draft and why is that? Well as I am rewriting I’m discovering some things about my characters that I didn’t originally intend for them to have as character traits. And just maybe the main character and I have a little bit more in common then I thought, and I’m putting a lot more of me into him. So maybe it’s true you do write what you know. But why is it taking so long? Well in my first draft my B story line needed some work and I am adding to that and it’s relationship to my main story line. And last night I said something to a friend of mine and now that one comment will be going into my script because A it was great advice, and B never knew I could be that deep. But that is what is taken me so long, and I think it will be a better script for it, because I don’t want to rush this idea, I think it’s going to be my calling card. Why well it’s a great idea and it’s not horror which is something I normal wrote as shorts but never really could write. So wish me luck on the second draft and the third if it comes to that. And I’ll keep you posted.

Christopher Renaud

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