Sunday, January 16, 2011

Photo Shoot and picking out my wardrobe

Well greetings again all and happy Sunday. Well today is a big day I have a photo shoot, but this time I am not behind the camera I’m in front of it. The reason for this my new agent wants me to have a headshots. So I’ve grown a beard and have my wardrobe all picked out which is the subject of this blog.

So as I am not a student of fashion and my biggest fashion sense in jeans and a t-shirt, I recruited the help of KD or as some of you may know her here as . So we went through my wardrobe and found one outfit to wear, and we had to go to the Mall to find another. So a big thank you goes out to KD for all her help. Funny story to this I kept leaving the room to change my shirt. Out of respect to KD, she thought this was funny as it’s what she would have seen at the beach. Not sure why but I was a little bashful, and she said most guys would have just ripped there shirts off. Maybe I am a gentleman and I just didn’t know it. Now that being said apparently all my hard work working out is paying off, cause I was told by my new stylist to wear more clothing that shows off my body.  So I guess I am looking good!

            Now I have to say I was really impressed that we found the one outfit in my wardrobe. I figured we would have to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe but luckily I spent a total of 50 bucks at the mall. Got to love sales 2 ribbed shirts for 20 and an awesome casual shirt for 30 which KD and the girl at the store said I looked great in so thank you ladies. 

            So now it’s time to workout and get a good swell on before the shoot. ( I’m pretty sure I just ripped my buddy Wolfgang off with that line ( who will be the star in my new script.) Got to keep this body in shape, and the comment from KD is encouragement as well.

 So yeah that was my day yesterday before I went to the lacrosse game. Which was amazing by the way, box seats are awesome! To bad we lost though but still a great evening with a great friend thanks Joe. So I’ll write more later when I’m done the shoot and let you know how it goes.

Oh and if you are reading this and are entertained you can follow me on twitter @cren82


Christopher Renaud


  1. why didn't you post the pics from my phone? lol! anyway, this post is so funny!!! haha!!! but ure most welcome! now where's my sushi?

  2. lol glad you thought it was funny. I will post them as soon as i get them off my iphone. And I will take you for sushi as soon as I get back to Calgary I promise
